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The Nonprofit Challenge is a unique fundraising platform that's free to nonprofits and able to raise significant donations in a short period with no overhead.

The Challenge is based on a 10-week employee wellness event that blends physical, mental, and financial well-being with fundraising. The nonprofit creates a Challenge by inviting their corporate and individual donors to join them to see who can win the 2024 Wellness Cup. 

For corporate donors, its a highly cost effective way to engage their employees in health and wellness activities for a full 10-weeks while maximizing the impact of their donation.

During the challenge participants earn wellness points for doing a variety of health activities. These include  things like tracking steps, health club attendance, participating in group events, learning about healthy lifestyles and nutrition, and more. They compete for grand prizes, trophies, and rewards based on the number of points they earn.

Targeted Solutions

Ways to participate


The Challenge is a great ways for nonprofits, large and small to work collaboratively with their donors. It maximizes the financial impact of their donations, it strengthen relationship, and promotes health and well-being in the community. 


The Challenge enables employer groups to maximize the impact of their generosity by 3, 4, possibly 5 fold without any additional cost, while at the same time getting a fantastic 10-week wellness experience for their employees for free. 


Individuals can help their cause by joining as an Individual, as a Buddy-Up two member team, or create a 5-member team. Then participate in a fun, comprehensive wellness event while driving donation to your cause.


The Nonprofit Challenge includes a variety of tools, services, and engagements that drive awareness, learning, and motivation. 


My Health Coach Now

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Customizable Web Portal

B-Fit Mobile


Our Mobile platform



Nutrition Partner



Medical Content Provider

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